Fucktons of Fan Content

It’s been a good year for fan engagement, yall.

The Facebook group is filled with multiple discussions going on any given day, both richly interesting and blissfully vapid, from whether the houses in Harry Potter are a positive or negative system to put children through to which fictional character has the best butt.

Hayden Reynolds recently started a Discord group for fans of Smash Fiction. If you’re interested, click https://discordapp.com/invite/tjnvcWZ.

A fan who goes by Molly Hayes-Hernandez made a TV Tropes page for Smash Fiction! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Podcast/SmashFiction

And, finally, some secret fan has begun to work on a Smash Fiction Wikia! Beware wary of match spoilers if you aren’t caught up: http://smashfictionpodcast.wikia.com/wiki/Smash_Fiction_Wiki

If you’re a fan, even if you’ve never reached out to us, thank you for being awesome! We truly appreciate the time you spend on our show.

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